Thursday, April 23, 2009

can't believe...

we just waited in line for 2 hours and left empty handed!! the sweet smell of kogi tacos was only 2 ft away when the cops shut the line down. The boys just went out on their bikes to find the new location. hope this trip turns up a short rib burrito or two.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

under the big top

Britney was A M A Z I N G !!! I had such a blast... she's still the best. And though the show was action packed and borderline pornographic... I would have loved the show even if she would have come out in her pajamas. Still my girl =)Steve and I had two seats in our own little section... Amanda and Marcos were in the section to the right of us.. a few rows down. Kelly and Stacy were directly below us in the same row as A & M, and Diana, Melissa and Candice were to the left of us down a few rows as well!! So strange how we could have had seats anywhere in the whole center and we were right there next to eachother the whole time!! We met up a few times at bathroom breaks and even managed to snap a few pictures together!! enjoy...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter 2009

Our Easter this year started on Saturday morning. We headed over to a park in Los Alamitos where Steph's church was hosting another awesome event. They had a free pancake breakfast (delicious) and free games, face painting, crafts, jumpers, and best of all an Easter egg hunt for all the kids to enjoy!! Kaia and Shaedon had a blast! Here are a bunch of pictures of Kaia having a grand ol' time. She got her face painted like a bunny with Kaelyn, won prizes playing games, managed to stuff her bootie in her Easter basket, and, of course, find a million Easter eggs!!

Here's my Shaedon boy enjoying his second Easter ever!! He was such a good boy all day and as soon as we strapped him in his car seat on the way home, he was out like a light. That little boy can keep up with the big kids!!

Then of course we spent Easter Sunday with the family. We headed over to Janelle's house for brunch and mimosas!! The kids dyed eggs and had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. We didn't realize that all the kids are teenagers now!! We only had 4 little ones to hide eggs for. Lucky them, their baskets were full to the brim!!It was also Denise's birthday so Steve and I worked on making roses to sit atop her mini cupcakes!! Here are a few pictures of our day...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

The last month or so...

So it's been quite a while again... my laptop is undergoing some maintenance so I've had a hard time trying to get all of my pictures situated on the desktop. anyway... we had a very adventurous month so i'll try to document as best I can with a very blurry short term memory. This is a picture of us a couple weeks ago at the Santa Monica Pier. We're about to set off on our journey atop the ferris wheel. How well did I hide the fear in my face??
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The baby is now in a big boy car seat facing forward!! Who ever thought that would be a highlight to someone's month??

Kaia's had a very busy month at school. Last night was open house (those pictures will be posted soon, Steph was the photographer last night since I forgot my memory card). She also got to ride in a school bus around the parking lot of her school a few weeks ago. They taught the kids about bus safety and how to wave excitedly from the bus window at their mommy's

We've also had the pleasure of visiting with some friends and family this past month. I would call them play dates but they could much more easily be called eating dates, crying dates, tattling dates, laughing dates, mommy venting dates... you get the idea!! We've been over to Kuya and Tania's house a couple times to play with the kids. Here's Shaedon and TayTay getting along beautifully!!

Another friend we've been visiting with lately is the gorgeous little miss Brielle Jolie!! I think Diana and I might go crazy at home if we didn't get to hang out every once in a while!! I love this picture of Kaia and Brielle at my favorite bakery in Seal Beach!! They didn't have the elephant ears that I was craving so we had to settle for the gigantic cookies and the over frosted cupcakes!!

And you know I can't leave without blogging about Kaia's latest hair do's!! My favorite is the one in the center... her superhero hair!! We were going for the mo-hawk look and I think we achieved success!! I think we scared a few old ladies at the supermarket as well (okay not really, I wouldn't let her out of the house!) And yes, there is a shamrock hairdo in there somewhere that she wore to school for St. Patrick's Day. What would have been more entertaining would have been a picture of her mop when she got home from school!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

april fool's day!

So I decided to play a couple tricks on the family this year!! I made "grilled cheese sandwiches" for lunch. They're actually toasted pound cake and cheese colored frosting. Kaia's face is priceless in the picture of her first bite!! After she realized it was yummy and delicious, she of course asked for more!!

Then, for dessert we made "cupcakes" that were actually meatloaf on bottom and colored mashed potatoes on top!! Sounds disgusting bit I swear it was delicious!! We baked them over at the in-laws and fooled Grandpa Frank!! Then we took them home and had "cupcakes" for dinner!! I even took a couple to school and shared with Stephanie. She almost barfed at first... but later she gave in. She too asked for